One Last Stop

Once I left my hostel on my last full day in London, I made my way wandering across Egyptian ArtifactsLondon at a slow pace, but with one final destination in mind: the British Museum.

Egyptian MummyI spent a good long time viewing the many floors of artifacts, sculptures, pottery, and etc. Each wing dedicated it’s space to a region of the world. I found the Egyptian wing the most fascinating due to my life long interest in their regional history. Since I hit my double digits as a child, I loved to hear and see about anything thousands of years old from that part of the world.

While searching the Museum, I came across artifacts that I had learned about in my Art History class in college; such as the Lord of the Dance statue. I enjoy art, so upon findingLord of the Dance pieces I remembered from class, I was quite excited. However, one wing held many pieces that I have grown up seeing all over my homeland: totem poles. If you grew up in the Pacific Northwest, I guarantee you have seen these Native American Indian art pieces many many times. So, when I saw this section I passed on by the huge crowds of people who appeared in awe of these poles – apparently not everyone has heard of this type of artwork that I am so accustomed to.

After several hours soaking in history and art, I felt that I really was far from home and I must really be a nerd for spending more than several hours of my day in a museum.